The underside of a birch sap and pu’er tea kombucha. The birch sap kombucha was given to me as a liquid at Nordic Food Lab, having been made with reduced sap and and honey/verbena kombucha starter. I recently fed it 200g Pu’er tea, sweet…

The underside of a birch sap and pu’er tea kombucha. The birch sap kombucha was given to me as a liquid at Nordic Food Lab, having been made with reduced sap and and honey/verbena kombucha starter. I recently fed it 200g Pu’er tea, sweetened with a tablespoon of raw forest honey, and the scoby started to form three days later.

A salad I made for staff lunch today at Nordic Food Lab. An iceberg lettuce with pine-infused oil and apple vinegar, compressed in a chamber vacuum machine, with toasted flax seeds and buckwheat. The compression idea is inspired by Ben Shewry’s ‘Lettuce in it’s natural state’ from his book, Origin

A bread mother which i started a couple of days ago on the Nordic Food Lab boat. I stoneground red wheat, buckwheat and rye grain in this great wooden mill, and when i next checked it, it had formed a bright purple skin, and smelled of tangy and sweet mushrooms